I value inclusivity and equity in my classroom and believe that every student has something to offer the learning community, as well as a right to be heard. I consider myself to be a strong advocate for student choice and voice. As such, I want my students to be involved in their own learning experiences by weighing in on aspects such as, topics, methods, and assessment within the classroom. By making learning relevant to students and including them in the process, I hope that it will be more memorable and enjoyable for everyone.

I believe in a wholistic teaching style that acknowledges that students are people first, and learners second, and should be respected and treated accordingly. I believe in facilitating discussion between students and teaching them the art of respectful conversation.

I believe in the recognition of First Peoples and the value of Indigenous languages, practices, and cultures within the education system. I will work toward Truth and Reconciliation, in my personal life, teaching practice, and in my classroom.

I hope to motivate my students by creating strong connections and relationships with them and their supporting adults. I want to make sure that my students know that their success is my ultimate goal.